GaramondDTInfant Italic
GaramondDTInfant was a typeface created for clients in 1994 but has not been available for general release. It has all the usual design characteristics of early irregular Garamond but with the friendly schoolbook designs of a, g, l and y.
GaramondDTInfant was a typeface created for clients in 1994 but has not been available for general release. It has all the usual design characteristics of early irregular Garamond but with the friendly schoolbook designs of a, g, l and y.
GaramondDTInfant was a typeface created for clients in 1994 but has not been available for general release. It has all the usual design characteristics of early irregular Garamond but with the friendly schoolbook designs of a, g, l and y.
GaramondDTInfant Italic Glyph Content
Case Forms
Standard Lowercase a
Standard Lowercase g
Standard Lowercase l
Standard Lowercase y
Nut Fractions
Closed Figure 4